I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on January 30, 1967. I was the youngest child of 6. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters; the older 4 of them were several years older than us last two, so we didn’t really get to know them as well as we would have liked. We were still young when they were graduating and moving out. I always enjoyed school, but always felt very different from the other children. I was born with a partial cleft palate, and the surgery at 6 months old had left me with a scar and a crooked smile, so teasing was a major issue all the way up through High School. I was a very quiet child mostly with few friends. I was always said to be “older than my age” and talked like an adult. I loved hanging out with adults and the PTA ladies where my Mom was the PTA President. I loved helping them set up school functions and carnival booths, and helping run them. I was always said to be overly mature for my age and seldom found people my age that I could spend time with.
I don’t remember many details from early childhood, but always loved camping and traveling to wonderful places with my family. I always felt a strong connection to the Earth, to animals, to Native American culture, and all living things. Hunting was a big thing for my Dad, but was very hard for me. I never talked to them about it, but always secretly felt that it was wrong and the animal’s spirits or karma were going to come back to get us for it. I was very empathic and very sensitive, and my feelings got hurt very easily. Other than that, I was a happy child and liked people in general.
I was not aware of anything in the spiritual world much, but I was always aware of the presence of both angels and dark energies, and I do remember having visions and dreams, mostly as a young teenager. I would have what I called a premonition, and about 3 days later it would happen. I started having dreams at a young age about a man I would connect with in amazing ways, but didn’t know who he was or what the dreams meant. They were always of the same person, and happened on and off throughout all my years.
I studied mostly business subjects in High School, Psychology, and French, along with the core subjects. I participated in State competitions and took 2nd in Shorthand 120 wpm, and Honorable Mention in Money Management. I was unable to attend college due to financial reasons and could get no loans or aid to help. I went back East to Connecticut to be a Nanny out of High School for a month, then came home. I started work at a sewing factory, & then into the food industry. I was unable to break into the business field because they all wanted experience, not education at the time.
At 21 I met my first husband in Las Vegas while visiting my sister. We were married on New Year’s Eve, and divorced mutually after 6 1/2 years. During this time, I worked at the Bourbon Street Hotel as a prep & line cook, cashier, etc. I met my second husband and married, and started a family. We had 3 children together and were together for 16 years. I worked many hours and double shifts for years and until 2 weeks before my first child was born. I have my oldest son, Giovanni, my second son Angelo, and my daughter Aubrey. I was a stay-at-home Mom mostly for those 16 years until I started my mission work. I did odd jobs for people to make extra money, and volunteered with the Humane Society for 16 years, and with the schools for 7 years.
When I became enlightened in July 2008, I began my spiritual path and work. I now have the gift of Healing from God and talk with God and Hierarchy every day. My children are very spiritually gifted, and have devoted our lives to the Spiritual Destiny that God has given us. I am the Twin-Flame of the most incredible man, and now know who the dreams were about all those years. I now look very forward to joining him, traveling this planet helping enlighten people, and starting a whole new life together with my Twin-Flame, Gary! Doing this Healing work and teaching people is extremely rewarding, and my growth and evolution has been rapid. I am aware that I am here for a Divine Purpose, and am very happy to fulfill it. I am a Healer, Teacher, Light-worker, Psychic/Medium, Star-Seeded Soul, Empath, Clairsentient, and Spiritual Counselor. Gary and I are transcendental souls and are volunteers, past the final incarnation and came back to help humanity. Life is tremendously more rewarding now, and I’m happy that my Divine Purpose is being fulfilled. Love, Light, and many Blessing to all! ~Brenda